Research & design department as a part of 50 experts carries out sketch and contract designs, develops design and technological documentation, operating programs for plasma cutting complex, machining centers and machine tools with numerical programmed control.
Design is carried out by means of the modern computer technics and software: AutoCad, SCAD, Compass-3D, Winmaschine, ANSYS, GeMMa-3D.
Under the international standards joint projects were realized with leading foreign companies such as "Tengizchevroil", «JGC» - Japan, «Bentec» - Germany, «PFD International» - England, «Frames» - Holland, "Marubeni Corporation" - Japan.
For the last period the following items were designed and put in manufacture:
- 33 units of oil-producing equipment, including mobile drilling complexes MBU-125;
- 256 units of equipment for oil-refining inducstry, including multiphasic separators;
- 17 units of equipment for railway industry.